Good day to all and thank you for visiting my site. I will be  using this site to display my pencil drawings that I've been doing since late 2004. I will add new content as often as I can so please bookmark my page and share with your friends and family. Thank you for visiting and I hope that you enjoy your stay.


3/9/10: I haven't been online in a while, I've been focused on my classes but I'm slowing working on new pieces as time goes by. I'll have plenty of time during my week off from school to work on new stuff, so keep checking  for updates.

9/14/09: I'm working on more portraits to load onto the site, but I will try to have my work from this year posted soon. They are larger than the 8"x11" images that I have on here so I have to get to a larger scanner to load them up. 

9/10/09 Launch of my website!!! Today is the day that I have made one my final steps to becoming a commissioned artist